Episode 1:
Why Did I Start A Podcast?

As one of the only graduating students in my MBA program who forewent the traditional career route in lieu of staying home with my kids, I’d be lying if I didn’t say my ego took a major hit. After all, I’d been chasing high-achieving pursuits all my life – both academically and as a fast-rising employee at a Fortune 100 real estate firm. But I was chasing someone else’s dream and not my own. 

Deep down I knew I had more than two choices: babies or business.

I knew there was a better life for me and my family. One where I was the mother to my children and someone who could build a successful entrepreneurial business from home. But despite all the signs and lessons from my past, it took me a darn while to figure out the path to a more fulfilled, more purposeful life lay in digital entrepreneurship. 

I'm Brooke.

I’m a stay-at-home mama to a million boys, who bootstrapped her way to creating a dream-worthy life by breaking some rules along the way.

I help high-achieving women optimize their life with systems and strategies that prioritize both family and career.

(okay, four)

 I HAD IT ALL FIGURED OUT… BUT THE JOKE WAS ON ME! So, how did I end up in business school?

Working in real estate, I couldn’t help but think I was making someone else’s dream come true rather than my own.

I kept printing out business school applications and leaving them blank. I’d shove them in a drawer, promising myself that “one day” I’d have the courage to go after what I really wanted.

That’s when my company hired a business coach (in the name of employee development) who brought me to tears in that big corporate corner office. That coach revealed my truth:

This is not where I belonged.

So I took the plunge, quit my job, booked a solo flight to Texas to visit business schools, and ironically, met my husband, Ryan, at a Starbucks between campus visits. (The universe works in mysterious ways!)

Ryan had committed to a job in DC, so naturally, I applied to Georgetown and was admitted on partial scholarship with the hope of running a startup through the entrepreneurship program. We got married and I started school with a new plan for my life and big dreams ahead. 

Everything was going according to plan…except, once again, I could feel myself being tempted by “shiny corporate job syndrome.” Some of the opportunities seemed too good to pass up and it would have taken a miracle to sway me away from the money and the prestige, back to the reason I came to business school in the first place: Entrepreneurship.

And then the miracle happened…I got pregnant (surprise!) in the opening term of school.

Entrepreneurship was no longer a choice, it was my destiny.

The road to digital entrepreneurship.


With no money to invest in a tangible startup and an inclination to be home with my kids, I turned to the internet – specifically Instagram because it’s free and accessible to all. 

As I grew my platform, I noticed that my 250,000 followers were less interested in pretty pictures and more interested in how I manage motherhood and build a successful business.

So, I started sharing my playbook, offering content that empowers women to strategically manage their day and start the business of their dreams with their families strongly rooted at the center.

When I made my first hundred thousand dollars as a stay-at-home mom (who knew that was even possible?!?) I realized my second calling was to help other women create a life where you can be everything you need to be for your kids, your career, and most importantly, for yourself.

Let's start at the beginning. I didn’t always have the 250,000 followers, the family and the big entrepreneurial dreams. Things were not picture-perfect.

I went to the University of Southern California for undergrad as a business major and hated my business school classes.

I even flunked out of one (sorry dad)! That is until I was forced to choose a concentration and sat in on an Entrepreneurship class.

At that moment, my high achieving, creative self had a star-spangled-eyed: I was made for this moment.

When graduation arrived I was faced with a choice: 

Found my own startup or join corporate America.
“this is what I was made for” moment.
I decided to make the “safe” choice and join the corporate world because, hello, guaranteed money and guaranteed prestige, or so I thought….

Take a peek around.

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